Form 1095-A Premium Tax Credit

Did you receive Form 1095-A and received an advanced payment of the Premium Tax Credit? If so, this information needs to be added to your tax return.

Or, are you seeing this message on you My Return page: Your return was rejected because the IRS records indicate you received an advanced payment of the Premium Tax Credit for health insurance purchased through the Marketplace for someone on your return. You'll need to provide information from the Form 1095-A that you received from the Marketplace.

Note: Only the IRS rejects returns; if you received this notice, then the IRS' records indicate that you or someone on your return should have received a 1095-A, even if you did not receive it. Follow the steps below to make the needed correction.

To add your 1095-A, follow the steps below.

1. Sign in to
Step 1: Sign in to
Step 2: Click on My Return in the upper right and follow the instructions on the right.
2.1 Add the 1095-A
After adding your income and other information, work through the sections or skip to Health Care on the left menu under Federal Taxes. Here, eFile will prompt you to enter your 1095-A and you can enter the data from it in this section.
2.2 Make the Correction
If the IRS rejected your return for not including 1095-A information, use the two options in your eFile account to add the form or add an explanation - see screenshot.Business Income - eFile Screenshot

See more details on the healthcare Form 1095-A and what to do with it.
